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detaildata.saveDetail = true; detaildata.settime = "" + ub_current_time + ""; detaildata.hostname = uba_hostname; detaildata.current_url = uba_currenturl; detaildata.weburl = uba_weburl; detaildata.langtitle = langtitle; detaildata.is_mobile = uba_is_mobile; detaildata.canonicalurl = uba_canonical_url; detaildata.ubuy_sku = ubuy_sku; detaildata.is_prime = is_prime; detaildata.view_sproof = sproof; detaildata.ub_product_rating = ub_product_rating; detaildata.ub_product_sku_store = product_sku_store; var uba_isvalid = restrictKey(title); if (isstock && detaildata.pimg != "" && uba_isvalid) { detaildataEnc = encodeData(detaildata); jQuery .post(UB_BASEURL + "?action=set_recent", { token: detaildataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { }); } } /********Start Set Data in Browser********/ function setCacheWithExpiry(key, value, minute) { const now = new Date(); const item = { value: value, expiry: now.getTime() + minute * 60000, }; localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(item)); } /********End Set Data in Browser********/ /********Start Get Data from Browser********/ function getCacheWithExpiry(key) { const itemStr = localStorage.getItem(key); 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setCacheWithExpiry(key, jsonstring, time); } function setCrouselWithData( key, classname, value, p0 = 1, p1 = 2, p2 = 3, p3 = 4, p4 = 5, textview ) { var view = ""; if (value != "" && value != undefined) { jQuery("." + key).css("display", "block"); jQuery(".uba_" + key).css("display", "block"); if (!textview) { textview = ""; } jQuery("#" + key + "_text_view").html(textview); jQuery("." + classname).html(value); view = jQuery("." + classname); if (view) { view.owlCarousel({ rtl: is_rtl, autoplay: false, autoplayHoverPause: false, loop: false, rewind: true, lazyLoad: true, navigation: true, margin: 30, nav: true, dots: false, responsive: { 0: { items: 2, margin: 10, }, 767: { items: 3, margin: 10, }, 992: { items: 4, }, }, }); } } } function setCrouselWithData_New( key, classname, value, uba_textview, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4 ) { var view = ""; jQuery("." + key).css("display", "block"); if (!uba_textview) { uba_textview = ""; } if (!p0) { p0 = 1; } if (!p1) { p1 = 2; } if (!p2) { p2 = 3; } if (!p3) { p3 = 4; } if (!p4) { p4 = 5; } jQuery("#" + key + "_text_view").html(uba_textview); jQuery("." + classname).html(value); view = jQuery("." + classname); if (view) { view.owlCarousel({ rtl: is_rtl, loop: false, rewind: true, nav: true, margin: 30, lazyLoad: true, dots: false, responsive: { 0: { items: 2, margin: 12, }, 480: { items: 2, margin: 12, }, 575: { margin: 18, }, 767: { items: 4, margin: 0, }, 991: { margin: 0, }, 1200: { items: 4, }, }, }); } } /********************************* Get Top Category Product End ***********************************************/ function setCrouselWithDataCategory( key, classname, value, uba_textview, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4 ) { var view = ""; jQuery("." + key).css("display", "block"); if (!uba_textview) { uba_textview = ""; } if (!p0) { p0 = 1; } if (!p1) { p1 = 2; } if (!p2) { p2 = 3; } if (!p3) { p3 = 4; } if (!p4) { p4 = 5; } jQuery("#" + key + "_text_view").html(uba_textview); jQuery("." + classname).html(value); view = jQuery("." + classname); if (view) { view.owlCarousel({ rtl: is_rtl, loop: false, rewind: true, nav: true, margin: 30, lazyLoad: true, dots: false, responsive: { 0: { items: 2, margin: 10, }, 767: { items: 3, margin: 10, }, 992: { items: 4, }, }, }); } } /**********End Set Data in Carousel****************/ /**Start Get User Details**/ function getUserDetails() { if (typeof uba_user_details != "undefined") { return uba_user_details; } else { var return_first = (function () { var tmp = null; jQuery.ajax({ async: false, url: uba_customer_url, dataType: "html", type: "GET", data: "", success: function (resp) { var menuHtml = resp; if (jQuery.trim(menuHtml) != "") { tmp = jQuery.parseJSON(menuHtml); } }, }); return tmp; })(); return return_first; } } /**End Get User Details**/ /**Start Set Success Order Data**/ function setSuccessOrderData(orderItemsData) { if (orderItemsData != "") { if (uba_cookieId == "" || uba_cookieId == undefined) { uba_cookieId = getCacheWithExpiry("new_session_id"); } var ubrefdata = getCacheWithExpiry("REFUBA"); var detaildata = { cookie_id: uba_cookieId, username: uba_username, emailid: uba_emailid, cartcount: uba_cartcount, store: uba_current_store, substore: uba_subStore, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, productsData: orderItemsData, ubref: ubrefdata, useragent: navigator.userAgent, }; dataEnc = encodeData(detaildata); jQuery .post(UB_BASEURL + "?action=set_success_order_data", { token: dataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { } }); } } /**End Set Success Order Data**/ /************Start Get Bought With Products Data For Detail Page*****************/ function getBoughtWithProducts() { var BASE_URL = (recenthtml = productUrl = imageUrl = html = productdata = ""); var asin = jQuery("#p_full_id").val(); if (asin == "" || asin == undefined) { setTimeout(function () { getBoughtWithProducts(); }, 2000); return; } if (asin != "") { var detailjson = { asin: asin, store: uba_current_store, substore: uba_subStore, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, page: uba_currentPage, weburl: uba_weburl, current_url: uba_currenturl, hostname: uba_hostname, }; dataenc = encodeData(detailjson); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_bought_with", { token: dataenc }) .done(function (productdata, status) { if (productdata != "" && productdata != undefined) { var obj = JSON.parse(productdata); objdata = obj.html; if (objdata != "" && objdata != undefined) { setCrouselWithData( "bought_with", "bought-with-products-carousel", objdata, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ); } } }); } } /********************************* Get Category Product End ***********************************************/ /**********************************Get Top Selling Product For Tamara Start *************************************/ if (uba_currentPage == "tamara") { // getTopSellingForTamaraPage(); } function getTopSellingForTamaraPage() { jQuery("#loading_custom").fadeIn(); var catviewjson = { catId: uba_catId, store: uba_current_store, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, page: uba_currentPage, weburl: uba_weburl, current_url: uba_currenturl, hostname: uba_hostname, arabic: uba_is_arabic_store, }; catviewjsonenc = encodeData(catviewjson); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_topsellingtamara", { token: catviewjsonenc }) .done(function (productdata, status) { if (productdata != "" && productdata != undefined) { jQuery("#loading_custom").fadeOut(); var uba_obj = JSON.parse(productdata); var uba_objdata = uba_obj.data; var uba_textview = uba_obj.text_view; var textview_detail = uba_obj.textview_detail; if (uba_objdata != "" && uba_objdata != undefined) { if ( uba_objdata.detail.detail_product != "" && uba_currentPage == "tamara" ) { jQuery(".uba-top-products").removeClass("d-none"); setProductOnElement( uba_objdata.detail.detail_html, "top_selling_new", "top_selling_products_new", uba_objdata.detail.detail_product, textview_detail, "uba-top-selling-products" ); } } } }); } /**********************************Get Top Selling Product For Tamara End *************************************/ /********************************* Get Top Category Product Start ***********************************************/ function getTopCategoryProduct() { var catviewjson = { catId: uba_catId, store: uba_current_store, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, page: uba_currentPage, weburl: uba_weburl, current_url: uba_currenturl, hostname: uba_hostname, arabic: uba_is_arabic_store, }; catviewjsonenc = encodeData(catviewjson); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_topcatproduct", { token: catviewjsonenc }) .done(function (productdata, status) { if (productdata != "" && productdata != undefined) { var obj = JSON.parse(productdata); objdata = obj.html; if (objdata != "" && objdata != undefined) { setCrouselWithDataCategory( "top_cat_product", "ubuy_top_category_products", objdata, "TOP CATEGORY PRODUCT" ); } } }); } /********************************* Get Top Category Product End ***********************************************/ /********************************* Get Top Selling Product For Detail Page Start ***********************************************/ function getTopSellingForDetailPage() { var catviewjson = { catId: uba_catId, store: uba_current_store, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, page: uba_currentPage, weburl: uba_weburl, current_url: uba_currenturl, hostname: uba_hostname, arabic: uba_is_arabic_store, }; catviewjsonenc = encodeData(catviewjson); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_topsellingdetail", { token: catviewjsonenc }) .done(function (productdata, status) { if (productdata != "" && productdata != undefined) { var uba_obj = JSON.parse(productdata); var uba_objdata = uba_obj.data; var uba_textview = uba_obj.text_view; var textview_detail = uba_obj.textview_detail; if (uba_objdata != "" && uba_objdata != undefined) { if ( uba_objdata.detail.detail_product != "" && uba_currentPage == "detail" ) { jQuery(".uba-top-products").removeClass("d-none"); setProductOnElement( uba_objdata.detail.detail_html, "top_selling_new", "top_selling_products_new", uba_objdata.detail.detail_product, textview_detail, "uba-top-selling-products" ); } } } }); } /********************************* Get Top Selling Product For Detail Page End ***********************************************/ /************Start Get Viewed With Product Data For Detail Page*****************/ function getDetailViewProducts() { var BASE_URL = (recenthtml = productUrl = title = imageUrl = ""); uba_productId = jQuery("#p_full_id").val(); if (uba_productId == "" || uba_productId == undefined) { setTimeout(function () { getDetailViewProducts(); }, 2000); return; } if (uba_productId != "") { var detailjson = { pid: uba_productId, store: uba_current_store, substore: uba_subStore, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, page: uba_currentPage, weburl: uba_weburl, current_url: uba_currenturl, hostname: uba_hostname, }; dataenc = encodeData(detailjson); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_viewed_with", { token: dataenc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { setCrouselWithData("view_with", "viewed-products-carousel", data); jQuery(".view_with").show(); } }); } } /************End Get Viewed With Product Data For Detail Page*****************/ /******************Start Set Recent Searches User Data**************/ function setRecentSearch() { var uba_search_keyword = jQuery(".search-box-text").val(); //var uba_cookieId = getCacheWithExpiry('new_session_id'); if ( uba_search_keyword != "" && uba_search_keyword != undefined && uba_cookieId != "" ) { detaildata = { search_keyword: uba_search_keyword, sessionId: uba_cookieId, userip: uba_user_ip, catid: uba_catId, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, hostname: uba_hostname, username: uba_username, emailid: uba_emailid, cartcount: uba_cartcount, store: uba_current_store, substore: uba_subStore, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, useragent: navigator.userAgent, }; dataEnc = encodeData(detaildata); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=set_recent_search", { token: dataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { } }); } } /******************End Set Recent Searches User Data**************/ /*Start Get Hello Bar*/ function getHelloBar() { if (uba_cookieId == "") { uba_cookieId = getCacheWithExpiry("new_session_id"); } var htmldata = ""; var ipadCheck = $("body").attr("class"); detaildata = { cookie_id: uba_cookieId, username: uba_username, emailid: uba_emailid, cartcount: uba_cartcount, store: uba_current_store, substore: uba_subStore, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, page: uba_currentPage, weburl: uba_weburl, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, arabic: uba_is_arabic_store, website_id: uba_website_id, screen_size: uba_screen_width, ipadCheck: ipadCheck, }; dataEnc = encodeData(detaildata); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_hellobar", { token: dataEnc }) .done(function (htmldata, status) { if (htmldata != "" && htmldata != undefined) { var obj = JSON.parse(htmldata); objdata = obj.html; if (objdata != "" && objdata != undefined) { var hbardata = getCacheWithExpiry("hellobar_closed"); if (hbardata != "" && hbardata != undefined) { hellobarsession(); } else if (uba_screen_width <= 1200) { jQuery(".ubuy_home_bar").append(objdata); jQuery("body").addClass("uba_hbar"); jQuery(".ubuy_home_bar").css({ display: "block" }); } else { jQuery(".ubuy_home_bar").append(objdata); jQuery(".ubuy_home_bar").show(); jQuery("body").addClass("uba_hbar"); } } else { jQuery(".ubuy_home_bar").hide(); } } else { jQuery(".ubuy_home_bar").hide(); } }); } function hellobarsession() { var hbardata = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("hellobar_closed")); if (hbardata != "" && hbardata != undefined) { var nowhbar = new Date(); var browsertime = nowhbar.getTime(); hbarshowtime = hbardata.expiry + 30 * 60000; if (uba_screen_width <= 1200) { if (browsertime > hbarshowtime) { jQuery(".ubuy_home_bar").show(); } else { jQuery(".ubuy_home_bar").hide(); } } } } function closehellobar() { setCacheWithExpiry("hellobar_closed", "hbar_closed", 30); if (uba_screen_width <= 1200) { jQuery(".ubuy_home_bar").hide(); } else { jQuery(".ubuy_home_bar").remove(); } } /*End Get Hello Bar*/ /*Start Web Versus Functions*/ function moreProductsSlider1() { // Cache elements var $productsOuter = jQuery(".vs-products-outer"); // Get row height var rowHeight = jQuery(".vs-slides-inner").height(); // Set control click state var canClick = true; // Slide Up jQuery(".vs-control.down").click(function () { var $activeRow = jQuery(".vs-products.active"); // Check if there is a next row to slide to if ($activeRow.next().length && canClick) { canClick = false; // Get animation distance var distance = -(parseInt($activeRow.data("row-num")) * rowHeight); $productsOuter.velocity( { top: distance, }, 500, function () { canClick = true; // Change active row $activeRow.removeClass("active").next().addClass("active"); // Activate other control jQuery(".vs-control.up").removeClass("deactivate"); // If there is no next row if (!jQuery(".vs-products.active").next().length) { jQuery(".vs-control.down").addClass("deactivate"); } } ); } }); // Slide Down jQuery(".vs-control.up").click(function () { var $activeRow = jQuery(".vs-products.active"); // Check if there is a next row to slide to if ($activeRow.prev().length && canClick) { canClick = false; // Get animation distance var distance = -(parseInt($activeRow.data("row-num") - 2) * rowHeight); $productsOuter.velocity( { top: distance, }, 500, function () { canClick = true; // Change active row $activeRow.removeClass("active").prev().addClass("active"); // Activate other control jQuery(".vs-control.down").removeClass("deactivate"); // If there is no next row if (!jQuery(".vs-products.active").prev().length) { jQuery(".vs-control.up").addClass("deactivate"); } } ); } }); return this; } function vhSlider() { var headerRecentView = jQuery(".header-RecentView"); var closeRecentView = jQuery(".close-RecentView, .recentView-overlay"); var miniRecentView = jQuery(".mini-RecentView"); var miniRecentViewWrap = jQuery(".mini-RecentView-wrap"); headerRecentView.on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery(".recentView-overlay").addClass("visible"); miniRecentViewWrap.addClass("open"); }); miniRecentView.on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery(".recentView-overlay").removeClass("visible"); miniRecentViewWrap.removeClass("open"); }); closeRecentView.on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery(".recently-viewed-block").css("display", "none"); //miniRecentViewWrap.removeClass('open'); }); } function hideRecentlyViewedMobile() { var recentElement = document.getElementById("recently-viewed-mobile-fixed"); recentElement.classList.toggle("recently-view-apply"); //jQuery('#recently-viewed-mobile-fixed').remove(); } function closeRecentlyViewedMobile() { var recentElement = document.getElementById("recently-viewed-mobile-fixed"); recentElement.classList.toggle("recently-view-apply"); jQuery(".recently-viewed-mobile-open").css("display", "none"); } /*Start Carousel For Web Versus For Detail Page*/ function setCrouselWithDataMobile(key, classname, value, textview) { var view = ""; jQuery("." + key).css("display", "block"); if (textview != "") { var textcls = jQuery("." + key + "_text_view").length; if (!(textcls > 0)) { setTimeout(function () { setCrouselWithDataMobile(key, classname, value, textview); }, 1000); return; } jQuery("." + key + "_text_view").html(textview); } jQuery("." + classname).html(value); view = jQuery("." + classname); if (view) { view.owlCarousel({ rtl: is_rtl, loop: false, dots: false, margin: 10, nav: false, responsive: { 0: { items: 4, }, 600: { items: 4, }, 1000: { items: 4, }, }, }); } } /*End Carousel For Web Versus For Detail Page*/ /*End Web Versus Functions*/ /*Start Get Coupon*/ function getCoupon() { var cookie_id = getCookie("new_session_id"); if (cookie_id == "") { cookie_id = getCacheWithExpiry("new_session_id"); } detaildata = { cookie_id: uba_cookieId, username: uba_username, emailid: uba_emailid, cartcount: uba_cartcount, store: uba_current_store, substore: uba_subStore, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, page: uba_currentPage, weburl: uba_weburl, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, }; dataEnc = encodeData(detaildata); jQuery .post(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_coupon", { token: dataEnc }) .done(function (htmldata, status) { if (htmldata != "" && htmldata != undefined) { var obj = JSON.parse(htmldata); objdata = obj.html; if (objdata != "" && objdata != undefined) { jQuery(".ubuy_coupon_assistant").append(objdata); //jQuery(".ubuy_coupon_assistant").show(); var opentstatus = "opened"; setCouponTracking(opentstatus, "", ""); var cpadata = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("coupon_assistant_closed") ); if (cpadata != "" && cpadata != undefined) { couponassistantsession(); } else { jQuery(".ubuy_coupon_assistant").show(); } } else { jQuery(".ubuy_coupon_assistant").hide(); } let btn_tooltip = jQuery(".coupon_assistant_copy_icon"); btn_tooltip.click(function () { value = jQuery(".coupon_text").text(); var $temp = jQuery(""); jQuery("body").append($temp); $temp.val(value).select(); document.execCommand("copy"); $temp.remove(); jQuery(".copy_message").fadeIn().delay(20000).fadeOut(); var copystatus = "copied"; setCouponTracking("", copystatus, ""); }); /*jQuery('.close-btn').on('click', function () { var closestatus = 'closed'; setCouponTracking('', '', closestatus); jQuery('.coupon-popup').hide(); });*/ jQuery(".coupon-popup i.fa-minus").on("click", function () { jQuery(".coupon-popup").animate( { height: "40px", top: jQuery(window).height() - 50, }, 500 ); jQuery(".coupon_close_btn").hide(); jQuery(this).hide(); jQuery(".coupon-popup i.fa-plus").show(); jQuery(".popup-content").hide(); }); jQuery(".coupon-popup i.fa-plus").on("click", function () { jQuery(".coupon-popup").animate( { top: jQuery(window).height() - 230, height: "100%", }, 200 ); jQuery(".coupon_close_btn").show(); jQuery(this).hide(); jQuery(".coupon-popup i.fa-minus").show(); jQuery(".popup-content").show(); }); countDown(300, jQuery("#display")); } }); } function countDown(duration, display) { if (!isNaN(duration)) { var timer = duration, minutes, seconds; var interVal = setInterval(function () { minutes = parseInt(timer / 60, 10); seconds = parseInt(timer % 60, 10); minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes; seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds; jQuery(display).html("" + minutes + "m : " + seconds + "s" + ""); if (--timer < 0) { timer = duration; jQuery(".coupon-popup").hide(); jQuery(display).empty(); clearInterval(interVal); } }, 1000); } } function couponassistantsession() { var cpadata = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("coupon_assistant_closed")); if (cpadata != "" && cpadata != undefined) { var nowcpa = new Date(); var cpabrowsertime = nowcpa.getTime(); cpashowtime = cpadata.expiry; if (cpabrowsertime > cpashowtime) { jQuery(".ubuy_coupon_assistant").show(); } else { jQuery(".ubuy_coupon_assistant").hide(); } } } function closecouponassistant() { var closestatus = "closed"; setCouponTracking("", "", closestatus); setCacheWithExpiry("coupon_assistant_closed", "ca_closed", 60); //jQuery(".ubuy_coupon_assistant").hide(); jQuery(".ubuy_coupon_assistant").hide(); } /*End Coupon Assistant*/ /*End Get Coupon*/ /************Start Get Choose Us Data For Checkout Page*****************/ function getChooseUsData(parm) { var user_email = ub_userdetails.cem; //var choose_us_base_url = uba_hostname; var detailjson = { store_id: parm, store: uba_current_store, page: uba_currentPage, arabic: uba_is_arabic_store, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, current_url: uba_currenturl, hostname: uba_hostname, weburl: uba_weburl, user_email: user_email, }; dataenc = encodeData(detailjson); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_choose_us", { token: dataenc }) .done(function (htmldata, status) { if (htmldata != "" && htmldata != undefined) { var obj = JSON.parse(htmldata); objdata = obj.html; if (objdata != "" && objdata != undefined) { jQuery(".ubuy_chooseus_popup").html(objdata); } } }); } function chooseustoggle() { if (jQuery(".why-choose--block-outer").css("right") == "-386px") { jQuery(".why-choose--block-outer").animate({ right: "0px" }); } else { jQuery(".why-choose--block-outer").animate({ right: "-386px" }); } } function chooseustogglear() { if (jQuery(".why-choose--block-outer").css("left") == "-386px") { jQuery(".why-choose--block-outer").animate({ left: "0px" }); } else { jQuery(".why-choose--block-outer").animate({ left: "-386px" }); } } /************End Get Choose Us Data For Checkout Page*****************/ /******************Start Coupon Tracking**************/ function setCouponTracking(openstatus = "", copystatus = "", closestatus = "") { var coupontext = jQuery(".coupon-code span").text(); if (coupontext == "") { setTimeout(function () { setCouponTracking(); }, 5000); } if (uba_cookieId != "" && coupontext != "") { var detaildata = { sessionId: uba_cookieId, coupontext: coupontext, userip: uba_user_ip, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, hostname: uba_hostname, username: uba_username, emailid: uba_emailid, cartcount: uba_cartcount, store: uba_current_store, substore: uba_subStore, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, useragent: navigator.userAgent, openstatus: openstatus, copystatus: copystatus, closestatus: closestatus, }; dataEnc = encodeData(detaildata); jQuery .post(UB_BASEURL + "?action=set_coupon_tracking", { token: dataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { } }); } } /******************End Coupon Tracking**************/ /*End Get Coupon*/ /******************Start Set Search Page Tracking**************/ function setSearchTracking() { if (uba_cookieId != "" && uba_cookieId != undefined) { var uba_canonical_url = jQuery('link[rel="canonical"]').attr("href"); var searchdata = { sessionId: uba_cookieId, userip: uba_user_ip, catid: uba_catId, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, hostname: uba_hostname, username: uba_username, emailid: uba_emailid, cartcount: uba_cartcount, store: uba_current_store, useragent: navigator.userAgent, canonicalurl: uba_canonical_url, }; dataEnc = encodeData(searchdata); jQuery .post(UB_BASEURL + "?action=set_search_tracking", { token: dataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { } }); } } /******************End Set Recent Searches User Data**************/ function uba_ssGetURLParameter(name) { return ( decodeURIComponent( (new RegExp("[?|&]" + name + "=" + "([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)").exec( location.search ) || [, ""])[1].replace(/\+/g, "%20") ) || null ); } /*Start Get Exit Intent*/ /*************************Get Exit Intent********************************************/ function ubaExitIntentPopupTracking(type = "") { var ubaction = "uc"; var cc = jQuery(".eicode").text(); if (type == "declined") { ubaction = "ud"; } else if (type == "opened") { ubaction = "uo"; } var qData = { cc: cc, ubaction: ubaction, store: uba_current_store, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, cookie_id: uba_cookieId, page: uba_currentPage, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, }; var qDataEnc = encodeData(qData); if (uba_is_mobile == 0) { jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=exitentent-tracking", { token: qDataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data !== "") { } }); } } function ubaCopyCouponCode(text) { if (ubaCopyToClipboard2(text)) { var element = event.target; element.onclick = function () { return false; }; } return true; } function ubadeclineExitPopup() { if (!ubei_is_code_copied) { ubaExitIntentPopupTracking("declined"); } } function ubaCopyToClipboard2(text) { if (!navigator.clipboard) { return ubaFallbackCopyToClipboard2(); } navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then( function () { return true; }, function (err) { return false; } ); return true; } function ubaFallbackCopyToClipboard2() { if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData) { // Internet Explorer-specific code path to prevent textarea being shown while dialog is visible. return clipboardData.setData("Text", text); } else if ( document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported("copy") ) { var textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); textArea.value = text; document.body.appendChild(textArea); textArea.focus(); textArea.select(); try { return document.execCommand("copy"); // Security exception may be thrown by some browsers. } catch (ex) { return false; } finally { document.body.removeChild(textArea); } } } function getExitIntent() { var qData = { store: uba_current_store, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, cookie_id: uba_cookieId, page: uba_currentPage, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, emailid: uba_emailid, }; var qDataEnc = encodeData(qData); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_exitentent", { token: qDataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { var ubobjdata = JSON.parse(data); if (typeof ubobjdata.html != "undefined" && ubobjdata.html != "") { jQuery(".intend-popup").html(ubobjdata.html); } } }); } function getMobileExitIntent() { if (uba_is_mobile == "1") { var mCookie = "UBMEI"; var mEiVisit = ""; mEiVisit = getCacheWithExpiry(mCookie); var qData = { store: uba_current_store, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, cookie_id: uba_cookieId, page: uba_currentPage, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, }; var qDataEnc = encodeData(qData); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_mobile_exitentent", { token: qDataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { var ubobjdata = JSON.parse(data); if (typeof ubobjdata.html != "undefined" && ubobjdata.html != "") { jQuery(".uba-mobile-intend-popup").html(ubobjdata.html); if (mEiVisit != "" && mEiVisit != undefined) { mobileintentsession(); ubaExitIntentPopupTracking("opened"); } else { ubaExitIntentPopupTracking("opened"); setCacheWithExpiry("UBMEI", "mobile_intent", 1440); jQuery("#ubuy-delete-confirm-modal").hide(); jQuery(".uba-mobile-intend-popup").show(); } jQuery(".uba_mobile_popup_close").click(function () { jQuery(".uba-mobile-intend-popup").hide(); jQuery("#ubuy-delete-confirm-modal").show(); }); jQuery(".uba_mobile_popup_continue_close").click(function () { jQuery(".uba-mobile-intend-popup").hide(); jQuery("#ubuy-delete-confirm-modal").hide(); jQuery("div").removeClass("modal-backdrop"); }); } jQuery("body").on("click", ".uba-ei-tooltip", function (e) { //btn_tooltip.click(function () { var code = jQuery(".uba-ei-tooltip").attr("data-value"); //var code = jQuery(".eicode").text(); if (typeof code != "undefined" && code != "") { if (ubaCopyCouponCode(code)) { if (!ubei_is_code_copied) { ubaExitIntentPopupTracking("copied"); ubei_is_code_copied = true; } jQuery(".uba-ei-tooltip").attr("title", "Copied"); //jQuery('.intent_copy_message').show(); jQuery(".intent_copy_message").fadeIn().delay(2000).fadeOut(); } //btn_tooltip.bstooltip('show'); } }); jQuery("body").removeClass("modal-open"); } }); } } function copythecode(copy, copied) { /* Get the text field */ var copyText = document.getElementById("code"); if (ubaCopyToClipboard2(copyText.value)) { var element = event.target; element.onclick = function () { return false; }; jQuery("#copy") .html(" " + copied) .addClass("green"); $("#copy").fadeOut(2000, function () { jQuery("#copy").text(copy); element.onclick = function () { copythecode(copy, copied); }; jQuery("#copy").removeClass("green"); }); $("#copy").fadeIn(); } } function copythecode545() { /* Get the text field */ var copyText = document.getElementById("code"); if (ubaCopyToClipboard2(copyText.value)) { var element = event.target; element.onclick = function () { return false; }; jQuery("#copy") .html(" COPIED") .addClass("green"); $("#copy").fadeOut(2000, function () { jQuery("#copy").text("COPY"); element.onclick = copythecode; jQuery("#copy").removeClass("green"); }); $("#copy").fadeIn(); } } /*End Get Exit Intent*/ function mobileintentsession() { var mobileintentdata = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("UBMEI")); if (mobileintentdata != "" && mobileintentdata != undefined) { var nowhbar = new Date(); var browsertime = nowhbar.getTime(); mobileintentshowtime = mobileintentdata.expiry + 1440 * 60000; if (uba_screen_width <= 1200) { if (browsertime > mobileintentshowtime) { jQuery("#ubuy-delete-confirm-modal").hide(); jQuery(".uba-mobile-intend-popup").show(); } else { jQuery("#ubuy-delete-confirm-modal").show(); jQuery(".uba-mobile-intend-popup").hide(); } } } } function uba_RemoveSpecialChar(str) { return str .replace(/[^A-Z0-9 .,]/gi, "") .trim() .slice(0, 100); } /******************Start Active User Tracking**************/ function trackUserUtm(ubautmparams) { if (typeof uba_cookieId == "undefined" || uba_cookieId == "") { uba_cookieId = getCacheWithExpiry("new_session_id"); } var qData = ubautmparams; qData.store = uba_current_store; qData.cookie_id = uba_cookieId; qData.page = uba_currentPage; qData.is_mobile = uba_is_mobile; qData.hostname = uba_hostname; qData.current_url = uba_currenturl; qData.weburl = uba_weburl; if (qData.utm_source == "ubanalytics") { var qDataEnc = encodeData(qData); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=set_userutm", { token: qDataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { } }); } } function getAssignSProof() { var sprooftype = ""; if (uba_cookieId == "" || uba_cookieId == undefined) { uba_cookieId = getCacheWithExpiry("new_session_id"); } var cachekey = "sproof_" + uba_cookieId; var sp_type = getCacheWithExpiry(cachekey); if (sp_type != "") { sprooftype = getSProof(sp_type); } else { sprooftype = setProofType(cachekey); } return sprooftype; } function getSProof(type) { var sprooftype = ""; if (type == "sp1") { sprooftype = "total_view"; } else if (type == "sp2") { sprooftype = "total_add_to_cart"; } else if (type == "sp3") { sprooftype = "total_purchase"; } return sprooftype; } function setProofType(cachekey) { var sec = dt.getSeconds(); var type, sprooftype = ""; if (sec <= 20) { type = "sp1"; sprooftype = "total_view"; } else if (sec > 20 && sec <= 40) { type = "sp2"; sprooftype = "total_add_to_cart"; } else if (sec > 40 && sec <= 60) { type = "sp3"; sprooftype = "total_purchase"; } setCacheWithExpiry(cachekey, type, 30); // 1440 for 24 hrs return sprooftype; } /******************End Active User Tracking **************/ /********************************* Get Static Categories Start ***********************************************/ function getStaticCategories() { var catviewjson = { cookie_id: uba_cookieId, catId: uba_catId, store: uba_current_store, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, page: uba_currentPage, weburl: uba_weburl, current_url: uba_currenturl, hostname: uba_hostname, arabic: uba_is_arabic_store, emailid: uba_emailid, }; catviewjsonenc = encodeData(catviewjson); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_staticcat", { token: catviewjsonenc }) .done(function (catdata, status) { if (catdata != "" && catdata != undefined) { var uba_obj = JSON.parse(catdata); var uba_objdata = uba_obj.data; var uba_textview = uba_obj.text_view; var textview_detail = uba_obj.textview_detail; if (uba_objdata != "" && uba_objdata != undefined) { if ( uba_objdata.detail.detail_html != "" && uba_currentPage == "home" ) { setProductOnElement( uba_objdata.detail.detail_html, "home_cat", "home_categories_new", uba_objdata.detail.cat_html, textview_detail, "uba-category-header" ); //setProductOnElement("uba-mostly-viewed-products", uba_objdata.home_html, "most_view_new", "mostly_viewed_products_new", uba_objdata.home_product, uba_textview); } } } }); } function setUserHomePageCategories() { //var uba_cookieId = getCacheWithExpiry('new_session_id'); if ( uba_cookieId != "" && uba_cookieId != undefined && uba_catId != "" && uba_catId != undefined ) { var uba_canonical_url = jQuery('link[rel="canonical"]').attr("href"); var langtitle = ""; if (langtitle == "") { langtitle = jQuery("h1.title.h1.mb-2").text(); } if (langtitle == "") { langtitle = jQuery("h2#product-name").text(); } langtitle = langtitle.trim(); langtitle = langtitle.replace(/\n/g, ""); detaildata = { sessionId: uba_cookieId, userip: uba_user_ip, catid: uba_catId, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, hostname: uba_hostname, username: uba_username, emailid: uba_emailid, cartcount: uba_cartcount, store: uba_current_store, substore: uba_subStore, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, useragent: navigator.userAgent, canonicalurl: uba_canonical_url, langtitle: langtitle, }; dataEnc = encodeData(detaildata); jQuery .post(UB_BASEURL + "?action=set_user_home_categories", { token: dataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { } }); } } function setHomeCatCrouselWithData( key, classname, value, p0 = 1, p1 = 2, p2 = 3, p3 = 4, p4 = 5, textview ) { var view = ""; if (value != "" && value != undefined) { jQuery("." + key).css("display", "block"); if (!textview) { textview = ""; } jQuery("#" + key + "_text_view").html(textview); jQuery("." + classname).html(value); view = jQuery("." + classname); if (view) { view.owlCarousel({ rtl: is_rtl, autoplay: true, autoplayHoverPause: false, loop: false, rewind: true, lazyLoad: true, navigation: true, margin: 30, nav: false, dots: false, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, }, 480: { items: 2, margin: 10, }, 768: { items: 3, }, 1024: { items: 4, }, 1366: { items: 5, }, 1600: { items: 6, }, }, }); } } } /********************************* Get Static Categories End ***********************************************/ /********************************* Update Trigger Event Start ***********************************************/ function UpdateTriggerActivity() { if (uba_cookieId == "") { uba_cookieId = getCacheWithExpiry("new_session_id"); } detaildata = { cookie_id: uba_cookieId, username: uba_username, emailid: uba_emailid, cartcount: uba_cartcount, store: uba_current_store, substore: uba_subStore, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, page: uba_currentPage, weburl: uba_weburl, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, }; dataEnc = encodeData(detaildata); jQuery .post(UB_BASEURL + "?action=trigger_event", { token: dataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { } }); } function leaving_us_popup() { if (uba_cookieId == "") { uba_cookieId = getCacheWithExpiry("new_session_id"); } var qData = { store: uba_current_store, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, cookie_id: uba_cookieId, page: uba_currentPage, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, hostname: uba_hostname, username: uba_username, emailid: uba_emailid, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, activepage: uba_Activepage, }; var qDataEnc = encodeData(qData); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_leaving_us_popup", { token: qDataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { var ubobjdata = JSON.parse(data); if (typeof ubobjdata.html != "undefined" && ubobjdata.html != "") { jQuery(".intend-popup").html(ubobjdata.html); } var leavingdata = getCacheWithExpiry("leaving_us_closed"); if (leavingdata != "" && leavingdata != undefined) { leaving_us_popup_session(); } else { jQuery.stickToMe({ layer: "#stickLayer", maxamount: 1, onleave: function (e) { var ubelm = jQuery("#uba_exit-popup"); ubelm.modal("show"); }, }); // stick_func(); setCacheWithExpiry("leaving_us_closed", "leaving_closed", 60 * 24); } } else { } }); } jQuery("body").on("click", "#popup_submit_data", function (e) { var popup_concern = jQuery("#popup_concern").val().trim(); var popup_email = jQuery("#popup_email").val(); var fill_concern_err = "Please fill your concern"; var fill_concern_atleast_err = "Please type your concern at least in 10 characters"; if (popup_concern == "") { if (!is_rtl) { jQuery("#popup_concern_error").html(fill_concern_err); } else { var tData = { store: uba_current_store, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, cookie_id: uba_cookieId, page: uba_currentPage, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, fill_concern_err: fill_concern_err, fill_concern_atleast_err: fill_concern_atleast_err, }; var tDataEnc = encodeData(tData); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=ub_translate", { token: tDataEnc }) .done(function (result, status) { obj = JSON.parse(result); fill_concern_err = obj.fill_concern_err; jQuery("#popup_concern_error").html(fill_concern_err); }); } } else { if (popup_concern.length < 10) { if (!is_rtl) { jQuery("#popup_concern_error").html(fill_concern_atleast_err); } else { var tData = { store: uba_current_store, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, cookie_id: uba_cookieId, page: uba_currentPage, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, fill_concern_err: fill_concern_err, fill_concern_atleast_err: fill_concern_atleast_err, }; var tDataEnc = encodeData(tData); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=ub_translate", { token: tDataEnc }) .done(function (result, status) { obj = JSON.parse(result); fill_concern_atleast_err = obj.fill_concern_atleast_err; jQuery("#popup_concern_error").html(fill_concern_atleast_err); }); } } else { jQuery("#popup_concern_error").html(" "); var qData = { store: uba_current_store, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, cookie_id: uba_cookieId, page: uba_currentPage, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, popup_concern: popup_concern, popup_email: popup_email, activepage: uba_Activepage, }; var qDataEnc = encodeData(qData); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=set_leaving_us_popup", { token: qDataEnc }) .done(function (result, status) { if (result != "") { obj = JSON.parse(result); objres = obj.res; objmsg = obj.msg; if (status != "") { if (objres == "success") { $("#popup_dialog").show(); $("#popup_dialog").fadeIn("slow").delay(2000).fadeOut("slow"); $("#exampleModalCenter").fadeOut("slow"); $(".stick_block_layer").delay(5000).remove(); } else { jQuery("#popup_email_error").html(objmsg); } } } else { } }); } } }); function leaving_us_popup_session() { var leavingdata = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("leaving_us_closed")); if (leavingdata != "" && leavingdata != undefined && leavingdata != null) { var nowleaving = new Date(); var browsertime = nowleaving.getTime(); leavingshowtime = leavingdata.expiry + 60 * 24 * 60000; if (browsertime > leavingshowtime) { jQuery.stickToMe({ layer: "#stickLayer", maxamount: 1, onleave: function (e) { var ubelm = jQuery("#uba_exit-popup"); ubelm.modal("show"); }, }); // stick_func(); } else { jQuery(".intend-popup").hide(); } } } function getBoughtWithBelowCart() { var BASE_URL = (recenthtml = productUrl = imageUrl = html = productdata = ""); var asin = jQuery("#p_full_id").val(); if (asin == "" || asin == undefined) { setTimeout(function () { getBoughtWithBelowCart(); }, 2000); return; } if (asin != "") { var detailjson = { asin: asin, store: uba_current_store, substore: uba_subStore, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, page: uba_currentPage, weburl: uba_weburl, current_url: uba_currenturl, hostname: uba_hostname, }; dataenc = encodeData(detailjson); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_bought_cart", { token: dataenc }) .done(function (productdata, status) { if (productdata != "" && productdata != undefined) { var obj = JSON.parse(productdata); objdata = obj.html; if (objdata != "" && objdata != undefined) { jQuery(objdata).insertAfter("#uba-bought-with"); $(".center").slick({ rtl: is_rtl, slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 4, dots: false, responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1500, settings: { slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 4, }, }, { breakpoint: 1400, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 3, }, }, { breakpoint: 1200, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 2, }, }, { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 4, }, }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 3, }, }, { breakpoint: 480, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 2, }, }, ], }); } } }); } } function setDealTimerData(classname, value) { var view = ""; if (value != "" && value != undefined) { view = jQuery("." + classname); if (view) { view.owlCarousel({ rtl: is_rtl, loop: false, margin: 25, smartSpeed: 1000, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 5000, items: 1, nav: false, dots: false, }); } } } function dealtimersession() { var hbardata = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("dealtimer_closed")); if (hbardata != "" && hbardata != undefined) { var nowhbar = new Date(); var browsertime = nowhbar.getTime(); hbarshowtime = hbardata.expiry + 1440 * 60000; if (uba_screen_width <= 1200) { if (browsertime > hbarshowtime) { jQuery(".uba-curiosity-timer").show(); } else { jQuery(".uba-curiosity-timer").hide(); } } } } function closedealtimer() { setCacheWithExpiry("dealtimer_closed", "dtimer_closed", 1440); jQuery(".uba-curiosity-timer").hide(); } function get_curiosity_timer() { if (uba_cookieId != "") { uba_cookieId = getCacheWithExpiry("new_session_id"); } var uba_canonical_url = jQuery('link[rel="canonical"]').attr("href"); var qData = { store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, arabic: uba_is_arabic_store, store: uba_current_store, canonicalurl: uba_canonical_url, store_id: uba_store_id, website_id: uba_website_id, cookie_id: uba_cookieId, page: uba_currentPage, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, }; var qDataEnc = encodeData(qData); //jQuery(".uba-curiosity-timer").hide(); jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_curiosity_timer", { token: qDataEnc }) .done(function (data, status) { if (data != "") { var ubobjdata = JSON.parse(data); console.log(ubobjdata); if (typeof ubobjdata.html != "undefined" && ubobjdata.html != "") { var hbardata = getCacheWithExpiry("dealtimer_closed"); if (hbardata != "" && hbardata != undefined) { dealtimersession(); } else { jQuery(".uba-curiosity-timer").html(ubobjdata.html); setDealTimerData("dealtimer-slider", ubobjdata.html); } } else { document.getElementsByClassName("close-timeslider")[0].onclick = function () { this.parentNode.hide(); }; } } }); } function getHomepagePurchase() { if(uba_screen_width < 1024){ return false; } if (uba_cookieId == "") { uba_cookieId = getCacheWithExpiry("new_session_id"); } var htmldata = ""; var uba_canonical_url = jQuery('link[rel="canonical"]').attr("href"); var qData = { website_id: uba_website_id, arabic: uba_is_arabic_store, store: uba_current_store, canonicalurl: uba_canonical_url, store_id: uba_store_id, cookie_id: uba_cookieId, page: uba_currentPage, is_mobile: uba_is_mobile, hostname: uba_hostname, current_url: uba_currenturl, weburl: uba_weburl, screen_size: uba_screen_width }; var qDataEnc = encodeData(qData); if (uba_is_arabic_store == false) { if(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "14", "18", "19", "20", "25", "32", "33", "34", "36", "41", "43", "44", "49", "50", "51", "52", "57", "58", "60", "87", "92"].includes(uba_website_id)==false){ // console.log('Popup working..'+uba_website_id); /* } if ( uba_website_id == "81" || uba_website_id == "39" || uba_website_id == "65" || uba_website_id == "68" || uba_website_id == "103" ) {*/ jQuery .get(UB_BASEURL + "?action=get_hp_purchase_popup", { token: qDataEnc, }) .done(function (htmldata, status) { $("#dynamicContent").remove(); if (htmldata != "" && htmldata != undefined) { var obj = JSON.parse(htmldata); //objdata = obj.html; objdata = obj; var index = 0; if (objdata != "" && objdata != undefined) { var pbardata = getCacheWithExpiry("purchase_popup_closed"); if (pbardata != "" && pbardata != undefined) { purchasepop(); } else { var uba_sbbreaddiv = jQuery(".top-purches-popup");//jQuery(".review"); jQuery(uba_sbbreaddiv).after( '
    ' ); jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").css({ display: "none" }); var interval = setInterval(function () { if (jQuery("#dynamicContent:hover").length != 0) { jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").show(); index = index - 1; } else { jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").hide(); } if (index % 2 == 0) { jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").html(obj[index]); jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").fadeIn("fast"); } else { jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").fadeOut("fast"); } if (index > 10) { index = 0; jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").fadeOut("fast"); clearInterval(interval); } index++; }, 10000); setInterval( localStorage.setItem("_purchase_data", objdata), 10000 ); let purchase = localStorage.getItem("_purchase_data"); if (purchase !== null) { } // } } } else { jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").hide(); } } else { jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").hide(); } }); } } } function purchasepop() { var purchasedata = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("purchase_popup_closed")); if (purchasedata != "" && purchasedata != undefined) { var nowpbar = new Date(); var browsertimepur = nowpbar.getTime(); purchaseshowtime = purchasedata.expiry + 60 * 24 * 60000; if (uba_screen_width <= 1200) { if (browsertimepur > purchaseshowtime) { jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").show(); } else { jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").hide(); } } } } function closepurchasepopup() { setCacheWithExpiry("purchase_popup_closed", "pur_closed", 1440); if (uba_screen_width <= 1200) { jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").hide(); } else { jQuery(".recent-purchased-card").remove(); } } let isFunctionRunning = false; function myFunction() { if (isFunctionRunning) { return; // If the function is already running, exit } // Set the flag to indicate that the function is running isFunctionRunning = true; //getHomepagePurchase(); // Reset the flag when the function is done isFunctionRunning = false; }